Looking for a fun holiday marketing idea you could try with your Adventure Brand to engage your customers and prospects?
Have a look at how we did it, back in 2019 – featuring a mix of adventure brands and their sustainability efforts, and expert marketing tips from our Liquid Spark team in a unique spin on the cherished childhood advent calendar.
Find what your adventure brand’s holiday favorite ideas are and run with them! Our team enjoyed coming up with a virtual advent calendar; can your adventure brand use this creative idea, too?
Instead of featuring marketing tips, your adventure brand could feature a mix of:
- Unique adventure trips and possible special one time offers
- Outdoor recreation products – reviews and/or special one time offers
- Tips for adventuring outdoors
- Training, fitness, health & wellness tips
- Favorite trip recipes
- Gratefulness for awesome customer with trip reviews
- Shout-outs to your awesome staff
Whatever your brand’s advent calendar includes- make it fun, authentic to your brand, and drive engagement and sales with compelling content and a few special offers. Not ready to commit to 25 days of content? Go for the “Twelve Days of Christmas” approach instead – whatever works for your brand and your customers.
Here’s the details on what we did in 2019.
In the spirit of those advent calendars we loved as kids and still love as adults, we created a holiday marketing advent calendar of sorts. It’s going to feature awesome holiday marketing efforts and tips for adventure brands, from adventure brands!
Every day through the month of December, we’re going to jump on social media and highlight:
- Adventure brands who have a fun and unique approach to their holiday marketing.
- Tips, that put humanity and the bigger picture back into holiday marketing.
- Adventure brands who encourage a focus on people, place, and planet.
Some of these will be our own clients, some will be our own projects, some will be businesses that we’ve admired along the way. All will be insightful and loaded with great tips.
Who knows; you may just be inspired to shift your holiday marketing next year!
25 Days of Adventure Brands
December 1: We feature Stream2Sea and how they’ve made giving back a part of their holiday campaign in a unique way.
December 2: Alpaca Expeditions is a true leader within their community; they run a number of social projects that support local village needs.
December 3: Patagonia is doubling up on donations the Patagonia Action Works… and we’re sharing how you can use this as a do-good holiday campaign.
December 4: Holiday Marketing Tip: How do you want your people to feel?
December 5: Rancho Cacachilas married sustainability into their daily activities and business model: in 2020, how can you do the same, and bring about a whole new audience to your adventure brand?
December 6: Wilderness Voyageurs uses its authority and leadership within the community to preserve the environment they operate from. How can your adventure brand go beyond clean ups and donations?
December 7: Today we feature author Paige L Christie, for her fantasy/adventure novels that break stereotypes.
December 8: Adventure brands have the opportunity to provide a great example to other companies by becoming a supporter of 1% for the Planet.
December 9: Consider how your adventure brand can either fill a hole you’ve noticed in the world, or how you can partner with a reputable foundation who is already filling that need, like OARS did by starting a foundation.
December 10: How can your adventure brand give back to youth and education? River & Trail Outfitters has embraced youth education as a part of their business model by developing a seven-mile canoe trip for school groups, youth groups, and even environmental groups on the Chesapeake Bay.
December 11: Holiday Marketing Tip: How virtual cards are a great option.
December 12: When you’re clear about your larger purpose, the decisions it can lead to may be surprising, but ultimately the best; how REI started the #optoutside movement for the holidays.
December 13: We’re featuring McCarthy River Tours & Outfitter for how engrained they are in their community efforts, fundraising, and service! Use this holiday season to reflect on your adventure brand’s community involvement. Is there more you can be doing to give back and solidify your place as a local leader?
December 15: Holiday Marketing Tip: Tiered offers and their benefit to not only you, but last-minute holiday shoppers, too!
December 16: Have you ever considered creating a non-profit brand of your adventure brand? We did, and it was the best decision.
December 17: Are you in deep planning mode for your 2020 sustainability initiatives for your adventure brand right now? Consider going by GSTC standards, or find an organization that helps with guiding models…
December 18: Our amazing clients have found unique ways of making clean ups a regular part of their operations, and holiday efforts! Check out these examples!
December 19: We see more waste during the holidays than any other time of year. Consider how you can apply the 8R concept to your adventure brand, and empower your customers to do the same.
December 20: In 2020 we will be supporting our adventure brand clients in the selection and marketing of sustainable, eco-friendly options. Here are a few stores that are doing it right!
December 21: Let’s break away from the typical holiday marketing tips and talk about how to leverage all of those new customers!
December 22: Another way to leverage your holiday marketing into January is to run a social media remarketing campaign driven by content…
December 23: #HolidayMarketingTip: Spread that holiday spirit by surprising and delighting your most loyal brand followers—and pre-book your 2020 adventure dates, too!
December 24: The Global Sustainable Tourism Council created the baseline of standards of sustainable travel and tourism to help guide us with effective and measurable ways to create positive impacts through our tourism businesses, organizations, and destinations… how does your adventure brand measure up to the four pillars?
December 25:
Happiest of holidays from us, to YOU!
Today is the very end of our #25DaysofAdventureBrands #LiquidSparkAdvent fun; we hope you’ve been inspired to jump on a new marketing effort for the next holiday round, and have a handful of great ideas on how you can show up in the best (and sustainable!) ways for your customers, community, and planet!
This year has been an incredible one for the LS team, and we just want to share our deepest gratitude that you’ve shown up in this part of our journey.
Here’s to the next adventure of 2020!
Have an adventure brand you think could make the cut for next year?
Have an adventure brand you know who does great work through the holidays? Let us know by emailing info@liquidspark.com with who they are and why you think they should be featured, and maybe we’ll get them into our 2021 line up!