About Julie Thorner

Julie is the founder and president of Liquid Spark. She is a digital adventure parent nomad, strategic marketer, and geo-tourism advocate. Julie looks at the total business ecosystem with any marketing/business opportunity - with a focus on sustainability impacts and reciprocal benefit for people, place, and planet. She believes experiences in the outdoors are profoundly important and healthy for all people to enjoy - and they create opportunities for awareness and engagement to be part of solutions for our blue planet.

Proactive Marketing Content: How to Strengthen Your Brand Now

By |2020-08-31T19:09:46+00:00April 3rd, 2020|

Pivot & Focus on Proactive Marketing Content Strengthen Your Adventure Brand Now, During COVID-19 In recent weeks, we’ve shared resources on how to best support your customers, staff and business, tips for cancellations and refunds, and effective adventure brand messaging during this unprecedented COVID-19 disruption. Now let’s consider: How can we make the best [...]

The Customer Experience Journey – How to Improve it for Adventure Brands

By |2020-04-10T21:08:11+00:00April 3rd, 2020|

How Strong is Your Brand's Customer Experience Journey? When planning any successful marketing effort, there are two key questions you need to start with: Who is your adventure prospect/customer? There are nearly an infinite variety of interests, demographics, and behaviors you can target through paid social media advertising like Facebook.  Knowing who to [...]

8 Tips for Effective Brand Messaging During COVID-19

By |2020-04-21T15:20:54+00:00March 27th, 2020|

Fast Moving, Constant Change, Uncertainty We wish this was describing a first descent river trip in a canyon no-one has ever seen before - but it's today's "current normal" description of both life and running a tourism-based company, thanks to COVID-19. Messaging and marketing efforts have to recognize this new reality and pivot immediately.  [...]

Adventure Companies Tips for Cancellations & Refunds During COVID-19

By |2020-04-10T21:09:08+00:00March 20th, 2020|

Smart Cancellation Policies: Support Today & Protect Tomorrow Here are some tips for adventure companies on how to re-think, refine and communicate about your adventure company’s cancellation policies in the context of this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic that is disrupting us all on two fronts: 1) Human health - with varying levels of risk from [...]

Supporting Your Customers, Staff and Business Through Coronavirus 2020

By |2020-04-10T21:09:36+00:00March 14th, 2020|

2020 - Optimism, Disruption, Resilience 2020 started out a year of huge optimism and big goals for many of us in the adventure industry. We were ready and pumped to serve up amazing adventures across the US and abroad to our customers of all ages. Fast forward only weeks later to March, and the [...]

A Guide to Selling on Facebook for Adventure Brands

By |2020-03-14T21:33:46+00:00August 29th, 2019|

Turn Facebook into an Ecommerce Channel for your Adventure Brand How are you using Facebook to grow your business? Hopefully, you have a dedicated brand page and are actively attracting followers, driving traffic to your website, and leveraging the incredibly powerful advertising capabilities of the largest social network. All of these are important, of [...]

3 Key Approaches to Personalized Email Marketing (And How It Supports the Customer Journey)

By |2020-10-05T18:55:52+00:00March 21st, 2019|

Once upon a time, email was one-size-fits-all. You had your adventure brand's email list, and you emailed them... a "cast and blast" kind of situation. No matter where they were in their customer journey with you, they got the same message. But these days, we have technology on our side and the ability [...]

5 Ways Automated Follow-Ups Help Your Adventure Biz Growth

By |2020-03-14T21:35:39+00:00February 15th, 2019|

With the online world being as hyper-responsive as it is, travelers have a certain level of expectation when it comes to the overall ease of booking their lodging and activities. A few clicks and boom—they're ready to go! As an adventure brand, you've most likely taken this to heart with creating an easy [...]

Ride Your Holiday Campaign Momentum Into 2019

By |2020-03-14T21:33:42+00:00January 17th, 2019|

Ride Your Holiday Campaign Momentum Into 2019 Congratulations! You've survived the holiday season and have made it into the new year.  Maybe you're right in the middle of your busiest winter season now, or maybe this is your off-season and you're spending some time working on your business rather than in it. Either [...]

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